Membership Terms And Conditions

1. Fees

  • 1. You shall pay a non-refundable membership fee on joining Talon TKD. A £25 insurance renewal fee is payable on an annual basis for the duration of your membership to cover insurance.
  • 2. You shall pay monthly training fees of an amount applicable to the membership plan agreed with your instructor. Training fees are payable on a monthly basis only.
  • 3. Monthly fees are due in the first week of each calendar month payable either by standing order or via three months’ advance payment. The instructor is entitled to disallow a student from training if their fees have not been paid.
  • 4. A minimum of one month’s notice is needed if any changes to your standing order are required, including cancellation of your training fees.
  • 5. Before you can take part in any Talon TKD classes or events, you are required to have paid your membership fee.
  • 6. Membership is personal and a student may not transfer his membership to another person without the express consent of Talon TKD.

2. What Talon TKD Provides

  • 1. Talon TKD runs and organises tuition classes in Taekwondo at venues and times advertised.
  • 2. In consideration of the fees payable under Clause 1.1, you shall be entitled to receive with your first membership fee, access to our Members Area on our website, personal insurance, a branded Talon TKD training suit, and a white belt.
  • 3. In consideration of the monthly training fees payable under Clause 1.2, you shall be entitled to train at any of the clubs in the Talon TKD network.

3. Variation Of Rules And Regulations

  • 1. Talon TKD may vary these rules and amend any of the fees set out in Clause 1 at any time on not less than 10 days’ notice. Any alterations to these rules will be made available through your instructor.

4. Tuition And Grading

  • 1. Talon TKD’s classes follow a set syllabus, according to the number of classes attended by a student and the grade of a student. The instructor has full discretion as to what a student is taught and when. If you should have any queries at all about your tuition, please see your instructor as the first port of call.
  • 2. The eligibility to take Gradings (there is no right to take gradings) is dependent on the number of sessions trained [this may vary between students, the requisite syllabus being learned, and a requisite standard having been achieved. The instructor has full discretion in every situation over when and whether a student is eligible to grade.

5. Conduct And Etiquette In The Classes

  • 1. Instructors and students in our classes must conduct themselves in accordance with the tenets of Taekwondo. Namely, courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit.
  • 2. Respect must be shown at all times towards the instructor and fellow students. Any disrespect or discrimination in any form will not be tolerated nor accepted.
  • 3. Any behaviour by students that is not conducive to the training environment chosen by the instructor will not be tolerated and the instructor may require the student to leave the class. If the behaviour continues, the instructor will hold the right to terminate the student’s membership and ban them from future classes. You will be expected to adhere to the discipline of the class and to the requests of the instructor.
  • 4. All students must wear Talon TKD approved suits at all classes, gradings, tournaments and other events unless otherwise authorised by the instructor.
  • 5. You must inform your instructor of any injury or other relevant factors that may affect your ability to train from time to time. Your instructor may ask you to produce a doctor’s certificate if necessary before you are permitted to train.
  • 6. In particular, Talon TKD and its instructors have full discretion as to whether to exclude any student from Talon TKD classes if any of the above codes of conduct are breached or are likely to be breached by the student or any other information is given to the instructor or Talon TKD which leads them/it to believe that it would not be in the best interests of the club and those of other students for that student to remain part of the club or group.
  • 7. Any student whose conduct shall be deemed by Talon TKD to be improper or likely to endanger the welfare, safety, harmony or good reputation of the club and/or Talon TKD may be reprimanded or have their membership suspended or cancelled by Talon TKD. Talon TKD shall be the sole judge of what constitutes such conduct.
  • 8. In the event of suspension, expulsion or cancellation under this clause, no refund of fees paid under Clause 1 shall be made.
  • 9. The instructor has the right to prevent entry into the club by any student or former student whose membership has been suspended or cancelled.

6. The Nature Of Taekwondo Classes

  • 1. You must accept that training in Taekwondo involves some physical contact and, as with any sport, carries a risk of being injured. However, it is of course our duty as your instructors to reduce that risk as far as possible, but students must take some responsibility for themselves especially during partner work. You are free to exclude yourself from any activity in which you are uncomfortable taking part in for this reason, informing the instructor at the time.
  • 2. In the case of any injury being sustained during our classes, you MUST, however minor the injury, inform the instructor immediately.
  • 3. The student must accept, and parents of students under 18 must accept, that there will be physical contact between students and between the instructor and the students, particularly for example, when the instructor needs to correct the students’ techniques. Any queries arising in this respect must be made at first instance to the instructor.

7. Equipment

  • 1. To attend your first grading, you need to have purchased a Talon TKD approved training suit. These will be made available to you by your instructor.
  • 2. After your first grading, you will only be permitted to wear Talon TKD approved training suits during classes and other Talon TKD and 3rd party events, including but not limited to gradings, tournaments and seminars, unless otherwise directed.
  • 3, All other equipment used in classes (including but not limited to sparring equipment) should be Talon TKD approved equipment. This should be purchased from your instructor.

8. Termination Of Membership

  • 1. You shall give Talon TKD one month’s notice in writing should you wish to terminate your membership.

9. Disclaimer Of Liability

  • 1. There is an inherent risk of physical injury in the practice and learning of a contact sport such as Taekwondo. The instructors engaged by Talon TKD will take all reasonable steps to minimise the likelihood of an accident, but you acknowledge that the risk of physical injury cannot be eliminated. The acceptance of your application for membership of Talon TKD and your participation in Talon TKD classes or events (including but not limited to gradings and competitions) does not constitute and should not be considered as constituting any form of confirmation or assurance by Talon TKD or its instructors to the effect that you have the necessary skills or physical ability to safely take part in those events, it being your sole responsibility to judge such matters for yourself.
  • 2. If you have any doubt whatsoever as to your ability to safely complete any exercise in any Talon TKD class, grading, competition, or another event, it is your responsibility to withdraw from the same. Neither Talon TKD nor its instructors accept any liability for injuries sustained in the course of practising and learning Taekwondo or in the course or participation in Talon TKD events save in the event of negligence on the part of either Talon TKD or its instructors.
  • 3, In consideration of partaking in a contact sport such as Taekwondo, you acknowledge the possibility of exposure to infection and disease, including but not limited to Influenza, Athletes Foot and COVID-19. Equipment is cleaned regularly, and whilst Talon TKD advises all students to avoid participation if they are knowingly contagious, you accept that it is impossible to completely eliminate this risk.
  • 4. Talon TKD teaches Taekwondo for self-defence, and the techniques learned by a student should be used for this purpose only.
  • 5. Talon TKD aims to teach and demonstrate a variety of self-defence skills, but it is impossible to cover absolutely every scenario. Learning martial arts does not make an individual invincible and the nature and unpredictability of combat can result in injury, no matter how experienced a practitioner is. Using physical force in confrontation is an absolute last resort. The only guaranteed protection against injury in a fight is to avoid getting into a fight in the first place.

10. Privacy Policy

  • 1. Talon TKD will only store your personal information as long as you continue to be a member and will only use it for the purpose of contacting you (by phone, email, or text) regarding your membership (including informing you on class changes, news and events). You have the right to request access to or amend/delete any such information we hold on file and have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you feel there is a problem with the way your data is being handled. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.